More Air Conditioning….

In my last post, I talked about swapping out a broken air conditioner. The new one is still working and working fine. Since it came with a new white cover, I managed to sell my old cover on FV Marketplace – probably for not enough money ($50) because on the first day of the listing I had 5 or 6 people wanting to buy it. Still, it’s not in the garage taking up space anymore.

While I was dragging the old rear AC out, I noticed just how dirty the evaporator coils were (condenser too). I change the vent filters regularly – and apparently, a lot of dirt gets by them because the evaporator coils were about 25% covered with dirt. I researched and bought some better filters so in a few weeks, I’ll see if they are doing a better job of catching Illinois field dirt. (Update – they do work well)

But back to the story – since the rear AC was that dirty, I figured I better clean the front unit as well. I gathered up my air compressor, the extra water hoses, my electric screwdriver, etc., etc. etc. plus the extension ladder. Whenever I might have to go up and down several times, I would rather use a real ladder instead of dragging things up the ladder on the back of the RV. When I have lots of stuff to take up, I’ll toss it all in a bag, tie a light rope to it, climb up with the rope looped around my arm, and then from the top, pull the bag up. Lots safer than trying to carry stuff up while climbing.

So, I disconnected my forward-looking camera and removed the AC cover. I used the hose the spray out the condenser coil from both sides. The water from there drains out on the roof so it’s not a big deal and I can see how dirty it is (not a lot). Deb tends to run the rear AC more than the front, perhaps that is why. Then I pull the Reflectix off the cold box, remove the screws and open it up. The “cold box” is where air is pulled up from the RV ceiling, pulled through the cold evaporator, and pushed back down into other ceiling ducts and back into the RV. Years ago when we changed from black covers to white, I also put a layer of Reflectix on that box. I figured why put a black cover over the AC which is trying to get rid of heat and why not put an extra layer of insulation over the part of the AC that is handling inside, cooled air?  Every  RV  air conditioner  I  have opened up also has this problem.  The wiring is a large rat’s nest right in the airflow.  So I stop and tie-wrap it neatly tuck in\t out of the way.  The next thing I found is the foam separator that is supposed to keep the warm room air on one side of a divider and the cooled air from the evaporator on the other side, which has two gaps about 4 inches wide that are missing.  So more foam and some aluminum tape to seal those off.  

Then I closed up the cold box, retaped the Reflectix, and installed the cover – wait – they put two foam pieces in the back of the cover so hot air exiting the condenser coils can’t recirculate back around the coil.  And, the foam they use isn’t UV resistant, so it’s pretty much dust after 5 years, so I cut and installed new foam, then the cover, reconnected my forward-looking camera – and all done.

Meanwhile, back at the ranch, we have been selling and giving away stuff by the truckload.  We hope to sell next spring – so much stuff collected in 50 years!!!
