Blues and Moon Dust…..

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Crater LakeCrater Lake – unretouched – the blues in the lake were simply amazing.

[this dates back to Aug, 2020 – don’t know why it wasn’t published then.]

We are in another campground. 5, 6 – I’ve lost track of how many since we left home.  Two or three weeks – maybe four in this one.  Cell data is good.  Sites are reasonably far away from each other.  Lots of trees so some shade.  We are at a higher altitude, so temps are a bit more moderate, but colder at night as well.  Water-electric only and currently we are on 30 amp and the pedestal sockets all look a bit burned.  But they work.  One AC is enough, but we could (and did for a few minutes) run both.  We hope to move to 50 amp sites today, presuming people move out on time.  The voltage on the current site was a bit low.  Our built-in ems/switch didn’t or doesn’t cut out for low voltage, but our Victron Inverter kicks in automatically when the voltage gets low and it was momentarily kicking in yesterday afternoon.  These campgrounds (Thousand Trails) are pretty busy – especially on weekends.  We try to schedule our moves for Monday-Wednesday, Tuesday being ideal for open spots.  Still, we sometimes end up taking what we can, then picking sites that will clear out the next day and moving.

Update – we did move the next day to a pair of 50-amp sites.  We are settled in, hopefully for the full three weeks.

Washington and Oregon, it seems are a vast volcanic wasteland. Yes, the scenery is great.  Lots of Pumice as graveltrees do grow here.  But away from the coast, much of it seems more desert-like, at least late in summer.  Nearly every peak you look up at, is a volcanic remnant.  There are volcanic rock cliffs and fields of lava.  Even the gravel on the roads in the campground is a form of pumice.  At first glance, it looks like normal granite gravel, but it is anything but.  Ground under car, truck and RV tires it turns into the fine, gritty, grey “moon dust” as some of the locals call it.  What passes for soil; a slightly brown version of moon dust barely seems to support life especially with the meager rainfall that makes it in off the coast.  The fine dust sticks to everything and with little to no rain, it sticks there until washed off.

We sometimes see deer in campgrounds such as this, as we did in this one our first day – a doe and two fawns.  Today, a buck wandered through, eating berries off the bushes.  A couple of days ago, they visited our kids campsite.  This morning we saw four domestic bunny rabbits running loose.  Seems they are permanent residents of the campground.  The grandkids are naming them all.  Bandit, Goldie, Buttersccotch, Oreo, Midnight, and more…

We continue to have minor repair issues.  I’m waiting for a new shade to arrive from Tiffin.  The auto stop mechanism on the front passenger side window shade disintegrated.  They offered to send me a new one.  We need to rework the gas fill on my daughter’s gas tank fill – it doesn’t allow the gas pump handle to properly seat down in the fill tube and thus won’t properly auto-shut off when full, leading to never filling the tank all the way in order to avoid spills.  Every day something needs to be repaired.  Bicycle repair daysSome days it is gluing a grand daughter’s toy back together or using a pin and epoxy to repair a plastic horse leg or getting out a needle and thread to fix a hole in my jacket pocket, a shirt or a sock.  Today it was going through and greasing all the bearings on one of the girls bikes.  One down, three to go.


Update: the shades arrived and have been installed.  Tiffin sent a return label – can’t imagine they want to pay to send back the broken shades – have asked.  I’d rather scavenge the still-working parts to avoid another request for a shade. There are 9 other manual shades in this RV.


We have rope lights, we wanted to install under the rig.  I got them installed a couple of days ago –Someone left the basement lights on! a four hour long, dirty gritty job. “We” aren’t sure we like them.  Kind of looks like we left the basement lights on.  8^}   We carry the bikes on the truck, on a hitch bike rack.  The license plate isn’t visible in that configuration – I need to find a way to move the plate to the bike rack or somewhere else on the truck where it can be seen from the rear.  I’ve ordered a trailer license plate + light bracket to do so.  We don’t want to end up helping someone fill their quota of tickets.

Oh, and we finally stopped by RV dealer/body shop to get an estimate on the repair to the right front fender that someone hit.  The amount was ridiculous – over 5 times what Allstate says it should cost.  Now we have to get yet another estimate and try to resolve the cost differences.  The other person was clearly at fault – so in the end, this shouldn’t cost us, other than the never-ending hassle of getting estimates and trying to arrange a repair when most RV service places are at least a month out.  Our best bet is to find a regular body shop that is familiar with working on RVs (fiberglass, diamond coat etc).

And – I realized the cell booster is connected through the wrong kind of coax – which may be affecting how well it works.  We bought a directional antenna and I didn’t see the kind of improvement I expected.  Then I remembered we installed that booster “in a hurry” and just used what coax we could find (75 ohm, run of the mill coax) and what should be installed is low loss 50 ohm coax designed for that purpose.  I now have the correct coax and need to run it from outside to the inside cabinet location of the booster.

We did replace our old hotspot with a new Netgear Nighthawk M1 a couple of months ago, which is working fairly well.  Sometimes, AT&T doesn’t work so well, but we are making good use of “unlimited”.

We also got the e-bikes out at the last camp – and did some riding around the campground.  We have yet to take a longer trip out on them, but they are fun to ride wherever we are.  It’s a bit of a chore to get them on and off the truck – batteries come out, fold-down handlebars and seats.  Then lift them up – lock them on and I have a heavy homemade tarp I strap down.  The first two tarps I tried flapped in the wind on the highway and shredded on one day’s travel.  This one appears to be holding up well.  They come off when we plan to stay for a week or more.  It’s nice to be able to not have the backup warning beep incessantly when the bike rack is on AND be able to see out of the backup camera.  It is also possible to buy a cable to extend to a new camera mounted farther back on the bike rack, but the cable is $80+ so I’m thinking I can make my own.

We were thinking about adding a kayak to the menagerie – which seems to have turned into planning to add a kayak.  In the era of Covid, it appears kayaks are in shorter supply than toilet paper.  We don’t want a cheap one – nor crazy expensive.  Just a tandem we can hit the water quickly with or even take fishing (we did some fishing down on the gulf).  Deb has a model picked out – if we can find one locally that is the required color, and a roof rack – it will be ours.

Update:  We found a place nearly three hours away that had a couple of orange kayaks of our chosen model.  The model we wanted came in three colors – we preferred the Caribbean blue, orange was our second choice, and ugly green our third.  We couldn’t order it over the phone or on the web, so a trip was the only way.  We got there – and low and behold, there was a blue model on the floor.  Seems the someone managed to order it – and it sat in the back of the store until they canceled – one hour before we got there.  So, we got our kayak and managed to get it home to the RV using some temporary foam supports and lots of tie-downs.  Rack parts are on order – seems finding exact fitting rack parts for our vintage ford truck take a bit of work.  So, does, it seems, finding a decent place to go kayaking.

Our first trip out, we choose to skip the small stream that runs past the campground, due to lack of decent places to get the kayak into and out of the water (80 pounds and 13 feet long).  We went to a park on the Dechutes river – seemed calm enough, but when we got out on the water we realized it was a 4-5mph current.  We did manage to get the kayak up the river a way, then coasted down and loaded back onto the truck.

Our second trip out, we picked a small lake 35 minutes away.  It was too busy, and we could see people walking out 100 feet from the launch area, still barely getting their ankles wet….  So, we went to another nearby lake that looked better – launched, went about 100 feet, and ran into a sand bar.  Rerouted – and more sand bars.  About 500 feet away from the launch, after getting out and towing the kayak, we gave up.  We talked to some other people and got pointers of where else to go – but apparently, with no rain and most of the mountain snow gone, low lake levels are the norm in this area.

Third time, however, was the charm.  We found a small volcanic lake with a non-busy boat ramp and lots of beach.  It was surrounded by hills (caldera walls) so somewhat shielded from the wind.  We still have a lot of practice before we will consider ourselves “experienced”, but it was a good trip.

The Muffled DrumFinally, in my spare time, I’m working to get my brother’s books onto Amazon.  He wrote a dozen books – some history of our ancestors and several about the Central Wisconsin Veterans Memorial Cemetery (and other cemeteries), near which he lived.  He did extensive research on the veterans (and their wives) that are buried there as well as providing a great deal of corrections to the official record-keeping there.  James G. Gardner passed last spring and he asked me to take care of his library.  I knew he wanted to make his set of books more available, so that is what I’m working on.

Sometimes, all you need is to look up!!!                                            Then again, sometimes looking down is funny too!

Fire BanJust look up


Unhitched at highway speeds? Almost

It seems like all I do here is complain about things that are broken.  But I hope these provide some insight to people on things they need to be checking once in a while.  Like the bolts on their tow vehicle’s receivers…….  This post at least, isn’t about something broken on my Tiffin.

We have a 2015 F150 XLT.  We set it up to tow back in, 2017, I think.  It used to tow our trailer, but when we bought a class C, it became the Towed Vehicle.  We bought a roadmaster tow bar and receiver kit which we installed ourselves.  It was a real pain in the butt because according to the instructions we had to use these “nuts” with a long wire attached.  They had to be fished through a small hole in the frame  to reach the three bolts that hold each receiver onto the frame.  The frame on this vehicle is a box – two u-channels welded together.  Let me say, I like the Roadmaster product and brand.  I’d buy them again.  I’m somewhat responsible as I didn’t check my bolts – but the design was faulty, as proven by the upgraded version.

We followed the instructions to a “T”, including torque specifications.

broken hitch

We had towed, I don’t know how many miles behind the C – maybe 5 or 6,000 miles.  Then we bought the Class A and put another, 15,000 miles or so – towing most of it.  So, the receiver has had a lot of use.  When we pulled into the current campground – this is what I found.  It wasn’t quite dragging on the ground and only a single bolt held it in place.

Needless to say, this didn’t make me happy.  Yes, the instructions say check the bolts every 3000 miles, which we didn’t do.  After all, we worked really hard to get it installed correctly.  Right?  Don’t you trust your own work?

I pulled the bumper off and removed the remainder of the right side and the left as well (which had visibly moved, probably because it ended up being the only side towing the truck).  I immediately order a new set.  When it arrived, I could see they changed the design quite a bit – seemingly to fix the shortcomings of the original version.  First, the instructions now tell you to pull the bumper so the receivers (and nuts) can be installed properly.  The main bolts now have a heavy plate with nuts welded to it to provide a much better and stronger mount.  The old unit used a loose spacer plate between the receiver and frame – which in the new one was welded to the receiver meaning one less surface for things to slide on.

Broken Bolt
Note concentric edges – stretching over time.
"nuts on wires"
“nuts on wires”
Old vs New Nuts
Old vs New Nuts

Those are the good differences.  On the bad side, there are three bolts.  Two go through the bottom of the frame and one goes in the end of a triangular shaped arm that braces the receiver on the side of the frame.  And the new bracket is just over half an inch shorter so I have to drill a new hole in the frame to install these receivers.  Yes, that is a crack in the frame, but only in one layer.  I took the truck to a welding shop to see what the guy thought.  

He said with two layers, it’s a terrible place to try to weld, and since the new bracket would have a support plate on top instead of just the weak nuts, that it would be fine without welding.

Now the instructions also say:

Every 3,000 miles, the owner must inspect the fasteners for proper torque, according to the bolt torque requirements chart on the last page of instructions.  The owner must also inspect all mounting points for cracks or other signs of fatigue every 3,000 miles.

But they also say to put Threadlock Red on the bolts.  If you put Red on the bolts, you won’t be able to tighten the bolts if you do discover they have gotten loose.  I believe I’ll be putting Blue on when I reassemble it all.  Also, the upper bolt still has one of those lame nuts on it.  If it ever comes loose, the nut will just spin, requiring the bumper to come off in order to tighten it.  Roadmaster could have fixed that as well with another bracket with a nut welded to it.

Bent receiver
Bent receiver
Last bolt holding Receiver did this.
Last bolt holding Receiver did this.
Shorter bracket
Shorter bracket means new hole.

So, reminder – you should once in a while, check your tow receiver and your hitch bolts (some class A hitches have had issues) and make sure everything is tight.